Tag Archives: TSC Global Awareness Day

Episode 13: TSC Global Awareness Month in the Age of COVID-19

In episode 13 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein celebrates TSC Awareness Month and one full year of podcasting by once again reaching out to some of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance’s international partners with the help of Katie Smith, TS Alliance Director of Government and Global Affairs, to see how they are recognizing TSC Global Awareness Day on May 15 without being able to meet in person, and how they are supporting those with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and their loved ones during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

First, we speak to Helen Willacy (02:25), President and Co-Founder of TSC NZ in New Zealand. She discusses the unique challenges TSC families face trying to get access to medication, how the pandemic has allowed for expanded use of telemedicine, and how they are connecting with families online. We also talk about how New Zealand was able to stop the spread of the virus quickly and is now beginning to re-open.You can connect with TSC NZ at the links below.

Next, we catch up with Inna Korov and Carol Hoffman of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance of Israel (11:48), the TS Alliance’s first global affiliate. They share how physicians have been able to share resources with families via Zoom in Hebrew and how those with TSC have connected and comforted each other through WhatsApp. You can connect with the TS Alliance at the links below.

We finish our world tour by talking to Luke Langlands (20:23), Head of Communications and Engagement at the UK Tuberous Sclerosis Association (UK TSA). He shares the tough, but necessary actions the organization has taken to ensure its long-term existence and allow them to continue to offer critical services to those affected by TSC throughout the UK. He also talks about the incredible response they’ve seen from their online events and how they are preparing for a staggered re-opening in the future. Learn more about UK TSA, the 2020 International TSC Research Conference postponement, and their Outlook meeting at the links below.

The episode concludes by highlighting Ryan and Andrea Beebe (35:28), whose Getting Saucy with Parker B Fundraiser has raised over $50,000 during the TSC Awareness Month of Caring. They share how they came up with the concept for the fundraiser, what have been some of the better reactions of those participating and why they think it has been so successful. There is still time to support their fundraiser and help them smash their goal even more, learn more at the link below.

Resources and Links
TSC NZ Website: https://www.tsc.org.nz/
TSC NZ resources on COVID-19: https://www.tsc.org.nz/post/coronavirus-and-tsc-information-for-the-tsc-community
TSC NZ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsc_nz
TSC NZ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TSCNZ/

DEA World Forums: COVID-19 Management & TSC co-hosted with TSC International (TSCi) and the European Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Association (E-TSC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwj2PiZ6gik&t=5s
DEA World Forums: How the Consensus Guidelines Improve Treatment and Care for Individuals with TSC co-hosted with TSC International (TSCi) and the European Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Association (E-TSC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NIgzW8Ucv0&t=3s

TS Alliance of Israel Website: http://tsc.org.il/
TS Alliance of Israel COVID-19 resources, including a recording of their webinar with Dr. Tal Gilboa: http://tsc.org.il/PAGE30.asp
TS Alliance of Israel on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tsc.org.il/

UK TSA Website: https://tuberous-sclerosis.org/
Updated Information on the 2020 International TSC Research Conference: https://tuberous-sclerosis.org/for-professionals/2020-conference/
UK TSA COVID-19 resources: https://tuberous-sclerosis.org/news-coronavirus-tsc/
Outlook 2020 Virtual Meeting Session Recordings: https://tuberous-sclerosis.org/outlook-virtual-2020-sessions/
UK TSA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thetsauk
UK TSA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UKTSA

Getting Saucy With Parker B Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/642664029849293/10106189288438264/
Getting Saucy Interview on Delmarva Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIuMaHaVQGs&fbclid=IwAR3WFik6v24Rt0ZvKpgsdzr4drBO5mI9OJ89t-QhqMdObdibFUXjS4WnqHg

TSC Awareness Month of Caring Website: https://give.tsalliance.org/campaign/tsc-global-awareness-day-of-caring/c281515

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